To mark an order as return or to create another replacement order

  1. Visit the order detail page by clicking on the individual order. 

     2.  As you scroll down, under the 'Shipping info' and 'Tracking info' tab, you will see the options to:

            - Cancel the order, 
            - Create a return or replacement 

            - Return to the origin

            - Delete order from Browntape

     3. Clicking on 'Returns and Replacements' will open the following window where you need to select the reason, status and proceed.


 4. The replacement orders would get created on Browntape the with same address and product details. If you have marked an order as 'Return', you could                  track/change the status of these orders.

5. To change the status, i.e, to mark as return received or return pending, click on the 'Mark as' drop-down and select the status for the order.