New updates: Filter for eBay Powership added

Filtering is the feature you employ to define search criteria and conduct your search. Filters are the data points used to get you the information you need. With Browntape you can use Custom Filters and sort search returns, by Date, by Financial Status, by Fulfillment Status, by Channels, by Warehouses.

The steps and the screen shots below, will help you to use the Filter appropriately - 

> Access your Browntape portal, with your email ID and password.

> Click on the Drop Down arrow next to Create Shipping Batch as shown in the screen snap (marked in red) below -


> Upon clicking the drop down arrow an other screen pops up, which will help you set Filters to search the orders. The screen shot for the same can be found below -

> As shown above(screenshot), you can enter a custom date and click on the options available to yield the desired results.

You can also use the filter to sort the order type to differentiate the Merchant fulfilled order from the Marketplace fulfilled order fetched to Browntape.

For Eg: If you wish to filter eBay Powership orders then click on the check box next to eBay along with the other filters ans click on Filter at the bottom of the pop-up.

Once the search is over you will be able to see the filtered orders.