Listing Watch:
Listing watch is basically the place where you could see all your listings on the marketplaces you have synced with Browntape. It will also show you how many of these listings have been uploaded on Browntape. It helps you to figure out the mapped and the unmapped listings.
Mapped listings: The SKUs which are listed on the marketplace and are uploaded on Browntape.
Unmapped listings: The SKUs which are present on the marketplaces but not uploaded on Browntape.
Channel Filter:
To view unmapped and mapped SKUs of each Marketplace, Click on the dropdown and choose which marketplace you wish to filter for.
To map the Unmapped SKUs on Browntape you can click on Map to Existing Product to create an Alias to an existing SKU on Browntape or you can click on Add a New Product to create a new SKU on Browntape.
You could also export an excel sheet of all these listings using the 'Download CSV' option.