If you are a seller with a lot of inventory and use barcodes to keep track of them, Browntape will make your life a little simpler by custom generating these labels for you. 

Follow these steps to print SKU labels with barcodes:

  1. Login to your Browntape account and click on Inventory
  2. On the right top corner, you will see the 'Print SKU Barcodes' button

  3. Now you can select the products for which you want to print labels. All you have to do is start typing the name of the product in the Product column. Browntape autofills the name and SKU for you.

  4. You can edit the number of copies you want of the label in the #times column. By default it is printed 5 times.

  5. You can add more products by clicking on the 'Add products.' 

  6. Once you have finished adding all products you want labels for, click on the Print Labels button to generate a document that is ready for print.

Alternate method:

  1. If you have multiple SKUs in the same series, for example IPHONE1, IPHONE2, IPHONE3, etc, you can print them all in one go.
  2. For this, in the Print SKU barcode page, scroll down. You will find the Print SKU Label for SKU Series section.
  3. In the SKU Series section, enter the first part of the SKU code, without the number. Browntape will pull out all the SKUs in that series.
  4. Fill in the number of times you want each of these labels printed in the Number of reps section and you can print the labels.