- Bulk Inventory update for Child accounts from Partner/Agency Account: Now you can update the inventory of the child accounts from the Agency account itself.
We have introduced a new way of updating the Inventory for all the child accounts using Agency/Partner account, this will bring down the time consumed to update the inventory for each child account you hold. Below examples will help you understand the process easier.
To update the inventory for the child accounts, follow these steps:
Log in to your Browntape Partner account and click on ‘Inventory’ in the left sidebar, as shown below.
Important Points to Note
- When you reset stock using this feature, the stock levels will be set as mentioned in the sheet, irrespective of earlier stock levels
- Stock will be reset for the DEFAULT WAREHOUSE under each of the child accounts
- Either the "Client ID" or the "Client External Reference ID" has to be mentioned for each row. This helps in identifying the child account
- "SKU Code" and "Quantity" are mandatory for each row
Once you are through you will have to download either a CSV file with all the Child account ID (Client IDs) & Client External Reference IDs (Client Name) or a blank CSV file as shown in the below figure.
Once all the details are entered save the file in CSV format, Click on Pick File or Drag Drop and Click on Upload Stock the same as shown below.